Online Resources
Researchers will be overjoyed at the treasure trove available on the following sites. Click on the site title to access to the websites:
With over 240,000 links it is also one of the largest directories of genealogy websites found online. It’s crowning achievement though is in providing Native American researchers an avenue for research online. With partnerships between it and Fold3, Native American data has finally been provided to the masses electronically.
Access smart phone captured images of gravestones from around the globe. You must create an account to access the images, but the accounts are free.
Castle Garden Immigration Century:
Free site offers access to an extraordinary database of information on 11 million immigrants from 1820 through 1892, the year Ellis Island opened. More than 100 million Americans can trace their ancestors to this early immigration period.
Chronicling America - Newspaper Database:
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1922 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database:
The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War.
Site to capture, preserve and share their family story with living relatives and future generations.
Directory of free genealogy resources and databases online
Daughters of the American Revolution:
Access descendant of American Revolution ancestors database, Genealogical Records Committee Index, and more
Search through thousands of identified photographs for your long-lost relatives.
Ellis Island Immigration Records:
Immigration records, free indexes and original records for Ellis Island.
Collaborate family trees to preserve records, research, and more. Collection of digitized records from around the world. Build your tree for free with an account and link your discoveries to your ancestors.
Free tree building site with access to various databases.
Access images of gravestones from around the globe. Access is free, volunteers always wanted.
Ongoing project, the aim of which is to transcribe the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales
A "free-to-view" online searchable database of the 19th century UK census returns.
India Office Family History Search:
records on British and European people in India pre-1950. India Office Family History Search website is taken from a card index hitherto available only at the British Library.
Library and Archives of Canada:
Directly access Census records for Canada from 1825 to 1921. Additional resources available at the main home page for the Canadian resource.
To submit your favorite links, use our Contact page.