Date: 7 October 2024
Place: Italiano's Restaurant
1414 Northpark Dr Suite I, Kingwood, TX
Time: 1:00 PM
If possible, RSVP to Dathryn Bush by text or email or text to 281-793-2425
Date: Monday, 14 October 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
ZOOM ONLY. You should have received the ZOOM link and handout in your email already. It will be sent out again the day of the meeting. Or, contact THAGS, and we can send it to you.

"Cheap Research and Education for the Frugal Genealogist" By Kim Richardson
Frugality and practicality are habits and lifestyle choices that can translate easily into genealogy research and education. This presentation explores methods of garnering all you can out of lesser expensive genealogy resources. Plus, we will discuss how you know it's time to invest financially into your research and how to make sure you're getting the highest quality service possible for your budget.
Coming Opportunities
--Monday, 21 October 2024: Mentor Monday. 7 PM. Hop on ZOOM and get help from fellow members with your genealogical questions. Same link as last month, on THAGS website, and will be resent close to date.
--Tuesday, 29 October 2024, THAGS Bus Trip. Contact Pam Walton to sign up, 281-358-6449. Come research with us.
--March 23-30, 2025. Decide now to join us for a research trip to the Salt Lake FamilySearch Library. Contact Patsy McLaughlin for more information. 832-439-8045 or
Newsletter: Don't forget David Taylor is collecting articles for the newsletter. We would love to get to know each of you a bit better.
THANK YOU to all those who have paid their yearly dues. If for some reason you have not done this yet, we hope you will join with us and do so now.